You don't need to be a plumbing expert to get started in aquaponics! We've assembled this aquaponics plumbing kit so you can easily connect three grow beds, a sump tank and a fish tank* to quickly create a large aquaponics system! Siphon-based drainage, uses a Sump Tank. (*The total combined water volume of the grow beds before media should be between one and three times the water volume of the fish tank)
Siphon-based, uses a Sump Tank You don't need to be a plumbing expert to get started in aquaponics! We've assembled this aquaponics plumbing kit so you can easily connect two grow beds, a sump tank and a fish tank* to create an large aquaponics system! (*The total combined water volume of the grow beds before media should be between one and three times the water volume of the fish tank)
You don't need to be a plumbing expert to get started in aquaponics! We've assembled this inexpensive aquaponics plumbing kit so you can easily connect two grow beds and a fish tank* to quickly create an aquaponics system. The S2 is for a 2-Bed Siphon-based Grow Bed Drainage system. (*The total volume of the fish tank and the two grow beds combined should be approximately equal.)
Timer-based grow bed drainage You don't need to be a plumbing expert to get started in aquaponics! We've assembled this inexpensive aquaponics plumbing kit so you can easily connect two grow beds and a fish tank* to quickly create an aquaponics system. (*The total volume of the fish tank and the two grow beds combined should be approximately equal.)
You don't need to be a plumbing expert to get started in aquaponics! We've assembled this inexpensive aquaponics plumbing kit so you can easily connect a grow bed and a fish tank that are approximately equal in volume. Siphon based grow bed drainage.
This kit has all the plumbing parts you need to build a thriving aquaponic system out of any equally sized grow bed and fish tank. Timer based grow bed drainage.
Not a Plumber? No Problem! We've created an AquaParts Aquaponic Plumbing Kit for every aquaponic aspiration! This kit has exactly what you need to make any watertight container into a timer-driven flood and drain grow bed.